Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Daily Show with Ben Franklin


(click on their name or image for more info)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My New Canadian Friend, Eh?

I like the way this kid thinks. It's a long but interesting read about the role of humor in the news... from Bryan Adams country!

Humor and Journalism
It's worth the time to read it.

I like this quote:
"Delivering the information that people need to be part of
their government should be the journalistic craft’s first goal. How that
delivery is accomplished is of very little consequence."

Well, speak of the devil..

MSNBC reports on a new survey that says more is required of journalists than ever before!

"PWR New Media Releases New Journalist Survey Highlighting Changing Role of Media in Today's Economy"

Going Solo Down Under

With unending lay-offs plaguing journalism (in the states and globally), it is no secret that people are now doing their jobs as well as the jobs of employees-past. More work for the same pay. Happy not to be one of the statistics, most journalists are trying to embrace this "one-man (or woman) show" mentality of media outlet owners and management.

This shift in journalism knows no borders and spans all mediums...

The following link is an article about Australian Dateline solo journalists.

Click here for the article.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Finally some good news for young journalists...

Check out this guy! He has some logical and optimistic advice for young journalists. At the same time, I think he is naive to believe that older journalists cannot adapt.

Friday, February 13, 2009

"A Teeming Swamp of Considerations" - John Carroll

John Carroll lays it down.

This is from a speech on Monday...


Thursday, February 12, 2009

CBS Twitter Interview Clip

3% have computers globally

30% have mobile devices

The Twitterfication of journalism...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Maybe you should be paying for this link...

Maybe I should have to pay a nickel to use this logo...

For those who haven't seen it yet - it seems like a pretty reasonable assessment and proposed solution...

The Time Magazine article on saving journalism is here.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Good Ol' Days

This old journalism film is classic...

If only they knew...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Citizen Journalism Takes a Hit

As of February 6, 2009, the website Scoopt.com, which was designed for users to upload newsworthy photographs, will be closed to the public.

Citizen journalism gets a swift one in the groin.

Check it out here.

Could This Be Where the Industry is Headed?!

I found an interesting piece that was just posted on U.S. News and World Report's website.

Read it here. Don't worry - it's very brief.

It is an interview with Steven Kydd, Executive Vice President of Demand Media and owner of eHow.com, which pays contributing writers based partly on how much ad revenue their articles generate.

While the articles on eHow.com may not fall into the category of "traditional journalism," the business model employed by this company is worth examining...

.. and maybe you can make some extra cash to pay .0001 percent of your student loans!