Sunday, February 15, 2009

My New Canadian Friend, Eh?

I like the way this kid thinks. It's a long but interesting read about the role of humor in the news... from Bryan Adams country!

Humor and Journalism
It's worth the time to read it.

I like this quote:
"Delivering the information that people need to be part of
their government should be the journalistic craft’s first goal. How that
delivery is accomplished is of very little consequence."


  1. Didn't get the chance to read the whole thing yet but looks like a very kick-ass document that we shall find very helpful. Thanks dude!

  2. True, but that delivery has everything to do with who reads it and who does not. I think its also our job to make it easy for people. Now that there is literally too much info out there it might take a little more than distribution of information to meet our overwhelmed citizenry in the middle.
