Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Could This Be Where the Industry is Headed?!

I found an interesting piece that was just posted on U.S. News and World Report's website.

Read it here. Don't worry - it's very brief.

It is an interview with Steven Kydd, Executive Vice President of Demand Media and owner of eHow.com, which pays contributing writers based partly on how much ad revenue their articles generate.

While the articles on eHow.com may not fall into the category of "traditional journalism," the business model employed by this company is worth examining...

.. and maybe you can make some extra cash to pay .0001 percent of your student loans!

1 comment:

  1. Here is the lesson I'm learning: Become a publisher, not a journalist. I think these two grafs from the story make my point:

    "The creator can create a high-quality piece of content without the expectation of a large annual salary and full-time benefits that someone in traditional media expects." (This makes it sound like a GOOD THING: not much of a salary and no benefits.)

    And this:
    "We replicate many of the same steps [in traditional publishing], but we do it at scale and with technology to help us operate more efficiently." (What does "at scale" mean? And they use technology. Sounds like spellcheck to me.)

    This website brought in $355 million and paid out $11 million to content creators.

    It’s good to be a publisher.
